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Start Discovering What's Causing 
Your Teen's Anxiety


(Without Any Prior Knowledge Or Any Idea Where To Even Start!)


enter the information below to



you will recieve an email with details how to access the live workshop once you press submit

 The workshop Will Begin Monday, March 25th @7pm Central



Without a doubt it's night and day difference. I mean it- she's completely different. She is the same girl but just bubbly and happy, laughing and joking. We are extremely proud of her. I've seen what it's done in our family. I've seen what it's done not only with (name withheld) but even with the focus being on (name withheld) I've seen the difference it's made in us both individually and in our marriage. And that's without us sitting down and discussing that and trying to work through anything. That's with us both whether it's consciously or not we've taken information and improved both on ourselves and our marriage. There's a lot of good in what you're doing.



Dana's level of honesty about their own lives and the amount of time, energy and passion they've poured into this proved to me that they could help. Our conversations were challenging at times but proved to be exactly what I needed. The process was several steps and didn't change overnight. But once I saw things for what they were, the anxiety level decreased. They didn't pull any punches but held me accountable. I would advise others who might be on the fence to step forward...


Alarming Facts in the US

A study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 2019 indicates the teen mental health crisis continues to grow. In fact, mental health professionals and members of the medical community have referred to the current rising trend in teens seeking (or needing) mental health treatment as an epidemic. The same study provided a few troubling facts relating to the increase in mental health issues between 2009 and 2017:
Cases of major depression among teens ages 16 and 17 rose by an overwhelming 69%.
Feelings of anxiety and hopelessness increased by 71% among people ages 17 to 25.
1 out of 5 girls ages 12 to 17 had experienced major depression within the last year.
Between 2008 and 2017, the suicide rate among teens ages 18 to 19 increased by 56%.

Teen Anxiety is Becoming An Epidemic, 
And The Pain Is REAL. 

(A Real, Raw, Vulnerable Letter From Dana...)

Parents everywhere are telling the same story...

"My teen's anxiety is through the roof. They don't want to do anything. I don't know why. Did I cause this? What's wrong with them? I don't know what to do about it. I just want it to stop." 

I know EXACTLY how that feels, because that was the reality our daughter faced every day. We would have done anything to help her, and we felt like we'd tried it all - medications, therapy, prayer...

But Nothing Seemed To Help

We went through all the stages of emotion. We felt paralyzed from total overwhelm, too scared to try anything because we didn't know where to start. 

After all, we weren't equipped to handle this. We didn't get a manual on what to do for a teen struggling with anxiety when we brought her home from the hospital.

What if we tried something and it didn't work? Or worse yet - what if we tried something and we screwed it up and made it WORSE?

Over and over again, we were plagued with the question, "What's really the best route to take?"
We all felt SO stuck. 

Sure, we'd have some good days where our teen was happy. She smiled and laughed. Sometimes she'd even reflect on her anxious times and say things like,

"Yeah, I don't even know why I felt that way yesterday." 

(Sigh of relief.) We'd start to think it was all blowing over. 

"Maybe she's better. Maybe it was just a phase." 
We hoped and prayed for the best that it was just a phase.

But it wasn't. 

We didn't have any answers. We had no idea what to do. To make matters worse, it was affecting our whole family. 

And most heartbreaking of all...

Ella felt like she was broken... like she was wired wrong. 

She was embarrassed and confused, and she felt guilty because she could see the toll it was taking on her whole family. 
And she wanted OUT.

The truth is, a teen may do almost anything to escape, and the discovery of that in our home was more than frightening.

Does this story sound all too familiar? If so, the time to act is NOW.

YOU are the one to help your teen. YOU know them better than anyone else. YOU are the one that can begin to change the trajectory of your teen, their siblings, and the entire home.

And in our Uncover Anxiety 3-Day Workshop, we'll give you the communication skills and strategies you need to get your teen to open up to you so you can lower the chaos in your home and start uncovering the root cause of their anxiety.

See you on the other side. 

- Dana Rachelle Smith


In As Little As 3 Days, The Uncover Anxiety Workshop Can Help You Start To Discover...

What's Causing Your Teen's Anxiety 
Inside this Challenge, you'll begin the process of uncovering the root cause of her anxiety. And believe us - it might surprise you!
What You Can Do To Help 
If you're like most parents, you often feel helpless. You'd give almost anything to find that "one thing" that you could say or do to help her. Inside this challenge, we'll show you exactly what you need to do to start helping immediately.
What You're Doing Wrong
Learn the number one thing parents are doing that they think will help BUT is exactly what you DON'T want to do. 
What Your Teen Is Thinking 
Dana and Ella will share with you from an insider's perspective. (Hint:  And it's probably NOT what you'd expect!)
The Parent's Role - "Did I Do This To Her?"
This question is one we're finding some parents are scared to ask, because they don't know if they want to hear the answer or not. Get honest, straightforward answers in that will shape the way you think and act moving forward. 
How To Get Your Teen To Open Up To You 
Unlock discussions you never thought possible by discovering the one thing your relationship with them might be missing.


Not only will you get expert training from Dana, but you will get INCREDIBLY valuable insight from Ella on the teen's perspective. 


You'll get daily actionable steps that will help you begin to uncover in 5 days what takes some people weeks, months or even years to discover... if ever!


You don't have to discover this on your own. 100% of our families have had success with this process. And you will too, as long as you're willing to do the work. 

parent and teen perspectives

Not only will you get expert training from Dana, but you will get INCREDIBLY valuable insight from Ella on the teen's perspective. 

daily wins

You'll get daily actionable steps that will help you begin to uncover in 3 days what takes some people weeks, months or even years to discover... if ever!

Proven results

You don't have to discover this on your own. 100% of our families have had success with this process. And you will too, as long as you're willing to do the work.

We Use A Tested, Proven Methodology

  • PROVEN results that are TIME-TESTED and shown to LAST
  • Faith-Based Approach 
  • Founder and Student of Our Own Systems/Strategies
It's time to put an end to the chaos, pain, and suffering and FINALLY TAKE ACTION! 
Our Uncover Anxiety 3-Day Workshop guides you every step of the way.

It’s Time To Join The

Uncover Anxiety 3-day workshop

Here's How The Uncover Anxiety Workshop Works

Over the three day Workshop, Dana And Ella will show you how to have better communication with your teen.  Having better communication will help you to begin uncovering the REAL root cause of your teen's anxiety, catapulting you down the path to your teen's liberation. 
(Not Only Will You Get Expert Guidance From Dana, But You'll Also Gain MASSIVE Insight From Ella On The Teen's Perspective!)

Day 1:  The Two BIG Realities

This vital day is the "What" and the "Why" behind the process, how it will create breathing room for discovery, and the possibilities waiting for you on the other side. Plus, you'll discover what makes YOU the perfect one to help your teen.

Day 2:  The Secret To Getting Your Teen To Open Up To You

If you're like almost EVERY family we talk with, you probably find that most discussions you have with your teen about their anxiety turns into a knock down, drag out war. On Day 2 Dana and Ella will show you how to get your teen to open up to you, using one simple yet POWERFUL conversation tactic. 

Day 3:  Hitting The Reset Button

This day is LOADED with great information on how to "Hit The Reset Button" and utilize what you discover in Day 2 to wipe the slate clean and get a fresh, revitalized start as a family unit.  You absolutely don't want to miss this one! 

BONUS Day 4:  AMA Day 
(Ask Me Anything!) Live Q&A

This is a BONUS day for you to get your hottest burning questions answered LIVE by Dana, Ella, or Brad.  This may be one of the single most important and insightful days to be a part of, not only because you'll get the opportunity to ask whatever questions you may have, but you'll get great nuggets of information from Dana and Ella answering others. 

Inside The Workshop You'll Get ...

In the Uncover Anxiety 3-Day Workshop, each day you'll join us on video for a short training session where we'll walk you step-by-step through the discovery and implementation of the proven strategies we've used to get parents and teens on the pathway to success.

Daily LIVE Video Trainings

Each day, Dana and Ella will go LIVE inside a closed-group setting and will provide you with expert training. 

$900 Value

Teen Perspective Training

Hear directly from Ella on the perspective of the anxious teen and get a look "behind the curtain" to gain powerful insights into their world. 

$ Priceless

PLUS These Bonuses Worth $925!

BONUS #1:  Implementation Labs/ Q&A

After each training session, Dana and Ella will help guide you through practical application of the materials taught. They will be available to answer questions specific to your needs and give additional insights that will be vital to your success.  

$625 Value

Bonus #2: AMA Day (Ask Me Anything)

After the challenge is over, Dana and Ella will open up a bonus time the following day for live Q&A. Here you can get your toughest questions answered by the experts. 

$300 Value

The Total Value of This Challenge is $1825.

You Pay Nothing!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How Long Is The Training? The training session will last approximately for an hour each day. There are four days total, including the Bonus AMA Day. The Bonus AMA Day length of time will be dependent on the amount of questions. 
  • Does my teen need to be present? Since this is a workshop for YOU, the parent, we prefer the teen is NOT present.
  • How will the training be delivered? We will do the training LIVE on Zoom. 
  • ​Does my spouse need to be present? If at all possible, YES! We would LOVE for both parents to join!
  • ​Is there a cost to join the Workshop? There is not a cost for this workshop. It's absolutely FREE to join. 
  • Do you offer more training besides for the Workshop? Yes! And all of the families we've worked with have seen AMAZING results!
  • Why are you doing this for free? What's the catch? There is absolutely no catch whatsoever. We're doing this because we know the pain you and your teen experience on a daily basis and our mission is to help as many people as we can. And besides, some families will choose to work more closely with us and on an ongoing basis once they see what is possible for them! 
  • ​What if I can't be on every training live? Obviously it's vital for you to attend all live trainings. But if something comes up that keeps you from being there for one of them, we understand. We're going to be recording them and will send you a temporary link to watch the replay. 
  • ​If I miss a day, can I just skip and attend the next training? This content is designed to go in a specific order, so it's vital that you consume the content in order. We will send a temporary link to watch the replay after every day, that way you can make sure to watch it before the next training.  

Are You Ready?


Here's What You Get:

Daily LIVE Video Trainings                $1,250 Value!

Daily LIVE Video Trainings

Teen Perspective Training                 Priceless!

Teen Perspective Training

BONUS #1:  Implementation Labs    $625 Value!

BONUS #1:  Implementation Labs/ Q&A

BONUS #2:  AMA Day                         $250 Value!

BONUS #2:  AMA (Ask Me Anything) Day

$900 Value


$625 Value

$300 Value

Total Value $1,825


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